Do not know how
to execute 6968 on your own? Let us
help to complete the printer setup. Read the steps, understand to proceed further.
Surely, you will come across errors as you continue. Hence use the compatible
troubleshooting guide to fix it.
Collect the requisites for 6968:
- Cables to power up the device.
- Compatible cartridge.
- Secure and active network connection.
- Software.
- Device setup manual to understand the guidelines.
- Troubleshooting tips to fix the frequent error messages.
Guidelines to execute 6968:
- Let us connect the hardware requirements.
- Understand the printer parts.
- Power on the device and choose the required settings.
- Also, complete the first step setup - Find the cartridge slot to fix the compatible cartridge, load the paper
into the tray.
To activate the
Network – Visit the device control panel to choose the appropriate network
settings. If Wireless setup wizard is
your option, select and proceed to
answer the guidelines one by one. Also, check if alternate
network settings are available to use with HP
OfficeJet Pro 6968
To avoid errors :
- Check and verify the Printer settings.
- Select the compatible software and update the version regularly.
- Choose a secure and active network connection.
- Understand 6968 setup steps before execution.
- Reset the device once.
Software update-
To find the matching software for your model, start typing the device name and
version navigating to the driver download tab. Select an
extract the driver setup file to the required folder and then proceed with the
driver installation. If you find it
tough to run 6968 setup prompts on your own, it's better to reach out to the Printer
customer support team number +1-800-237-0201 or visit our site